Saturday, September 13, 2008

Malas eh...

Emm.. 2weeks already NO UPDATE ..heheh mcm malas bah..Puasa pun kan 2 minggu, well I think one time saja sungkai di rumah.. "Sungkai Buffet promotion" yang sudah dicuba like ; Tauren Cafe, RMS Diner, Aneka Rasa, Andaman Restaurant, Seri Anjung Restaurant, Nurizna Restaurant, Nyonya Restaurant...
Last Saturday I made BEGEDIL DAGING for our sungkai @ my sister's house, here is my receipe: Potato cut into dice & fried, after that mashed it then mixed with Mince Beef, Celery (daun Sup/saderi), Bawang Goreng, Salt & Pepper mixed well. Bulat-bulatkan, before mengoreng celupkan kedalam Telor & goreng with medium heat.